“The Kerala Story” is an new Bollywood movie with feature Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani, Siddhi Idnani as well as Sonia Balani as the lead actors. The film takes place in the stunning state of Kerala located in southern India. Kerala is famous for its beautiful beaches and lush green forests and tranquil backwaters.
The trailer’s describes the story of three women and their struggle to overcome their obstacles. The film explores their relationships, lives, and hopes against the picturesque State of Kerala.
“The Kerala Story” is an epic film that reveals what is most important about Kerala as well as its inhabitants. It showcases Kerala’s beautiful natural beauty, its diverse culture, and perseverance of its citizens. Despite the controversy surrounding the movie trailer the filmmakers have come up with an intriguing story that is sure to be a hit with viewers around the world.
Movie | The Kerala Story |
Language | Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil |
Screen | 2D |
Release Date | 5 May 2023 |
Cast | Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani, Sonia Balani, Siddhi Idnani |
Country | India |
Genres | Drama |
Director | Sudipto Sen |
Writer | Suryapal Singh, Sudipto Sen, Vipul Amrutlal Shah |
Editor | Sanjay Sharma |
Producer | Vipul Amrutlal Shah |
Music | Viresh Sreevalsa, Bishakh Jyoti |
Production companies | Sunshine Pictures |
The film tells the tale of three schoolgirls who are Shalini (played by Adah Sharma), Geetanjali (played by Siddhi Idnani) as well as Nimah (played by Yogita Bihani) They were enticed to join in the Islamic State by their classmate Asifa (played by Sonia Balani).
Shalini as well as her partner were taken by her husband to Syria as a part of the fight against Shalini and her husband were sent to Syria in order to fight for the cause of Islamic State, but they were captured and imprisoned in Afghanistan. As a flashback Shalini describes the circumstances which led to her eventual conversion to Islam and then being imprisoned.
Shalini finally succumbs to pressure to join Shalini eventually succumbs to the pressure of joining Islamic State, but Geetanjali and Nimah are able to resist the dark plot. The film sheds light the strategies employed by terrorist groups to manipulate young people into joining their cause and convince them to join their cause.
Adah Sharma, an Indian actress who played the role of Shalini in a movie that she played with many sincerity and conviction. Shalini is a flims character, who was robbed her innocence. However, even when faced with hardship she has a strong will and courage.
Adah Sharma’s appearance was noteworthy for the way in which she depicted this role’s Malayali accent in Hindi. This enhanced how original her role was making it more convincing as well as relatable for the viewers.
In conclusion, The Kerala Story is is a cinematic masterpiece movie . It has a great story, talented cast, and good direction with visuals. This film shows how good movies can be done by Sudipto Sen.. Whether you like action, drama, or just a good story, this movie brings something new for you. Don’t miss out on seeing it! This film earns a rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars.
Related FAQs
When was the “The Kerala Story” movie released?
The Kerala Story movie was released in theaters on 5 May 2023.
Who directed the movie The Kerala Story?
The movie directed by Sudipto Sen.
Who features in the cast of “The Kerala Story”?
Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani, Sonia Balani, Siddhi Idnani.